wpe2.jpg (4902 bytes)As seen in the above depiction of the EKG of a patient with WPW, the QRS starts with a gentle slope as opposed to the sharp take off in the normal individual. The PR interval is short. The ST and T  are normal.

Patients with WPW suffer with recurrent attacks of SVT.

Treatment of choice is PROCAINAMIDE (Class IA anti-arrhythmics). The definitive treatment is Radiofrequency ablation of the accessory tract.

Drugs that are contra-indicated are Beta blockers, Calcium channel blockers and Digoxin, (B,C, & D)

Remember that this delta wave is seen only in the NON-TACHYCARDIC EKG. If one sees the EKG of a patient with WPW during the tachycardia, it will be without the delta wave.

Normal EKG complex