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 Member's comments I found your site just few days before the exam. The well put studying material, and your keen knowledge of what to look for was right on target.  Dr. DH.........."This is the most practical and least expensive review I have seen. .... Kudos to the staff." Dr. JC ...........I AM A MEDICINE ROUNDER & ASSIST. PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE AND HAVE RECOMMENDED YOUR SITE TO THE PROGRAM AND MEDICINE RESIDENTS. GREAT SITE"..............Your web site and material provided was of great help in passing the exam. Dr. NA......."Your site is the best site for resident physicians and students". Dr. YH.........."Thank God - I just heard that I passed the ABIM exam. This was my second attempt. Your web site was very useful in passing the boards. It has a lot of valuable information........Thank you, I passed with a good score! Dr. Y........"I also did  quite well. and I PRAISE THE LORD FOR MY SUPERSCORE........."I also did well on my boards without taking any board review courses.  Your site was excellent!  Thank you ..." Dr. DJ..............."I passed the Board exam and I scored over 90th percentile. Your board review material was useful."........

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We are new to College entrance prep but not to education.

Since 1998, we have built a strong reputation among doctors for education of a level that school and college students only dream of.

Our strong customer service and advanced tools for education are key to successful collaboration between tutor and student.

More important than knowing a lot is knowing the pertinent. We help you achieve this.

Our members come from over 300 institutions worldwide and effectively collaborate  Thousands of doctors have used it and been extremely successful with it (Scores over 90th percentile in many and passing well for those who had otherwise failed many times).

Its authors come from all over the world and undergo very extensive screening and training so that the focus is on test preparation and not on information that is unnecessary from the exam point of view. Its Chief Editor, G. Malhotra, MD, is a doctor who repeatedly scores in the 99th percentile on American  tests at a national level and was also a member of the champion team which won the National contest of medical knowledge (Doctors dilemma) sponsored by the  American College of Physicians  in 1998 in  San Diego, California - winning over all other American and Canadian teams.

Most students came from wealthy backgrounds until now - when the pricing has become even lower.

This page was last updated on 06/09/13
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